The resolved share capital of Triboo S.p.A. is 28,740,210 euros, of which 28,740,210 euros are subscribed and paid up, divided into 28,740,210 ordinary shares, with no indication of par value, freely transferable, with regular dividend rights and in dematerialized form, already admitted to trading on AIM Italia and from June 29, 2018 admitted to trading on Euronext Milan.
- Compagnia Digitale Italiana S.p.A., holder of 16,294,530 shares equal to 56.70 percent of the share capital; 
- The company holds 917,362 of its own shares, equal to 3.19 percent of the share capital
- The remaining 11,528,318 shares or 40.11% are traded on Euronext Milan Market.
Total shares: 28,740,210 equal to 100% of the share capital.
The Issuer has issued only ordinary shares and there are no other types of shares that confer voting or other rights other than ordinary shares.