Delegation of responsibilities and establishment of committees within the Board and Start of the program for the purchase and sale of own shares
The Board of Directors of Triboo S.p.A. (hereinafter "Triboo" or the "Company") - a group active in the digital sector and listed on Euronext Milan - met today to verify that directors Vincenzo Polidoro and Ramona Corti meet the independence requirements set forth in Article 148, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree No. 58 of February 24, 1998, and the additional requirements set forth in the Corporate Governance Code. The Company then confirmed Chief Executive Officer Giulio Corno, also confirming the powers already granted in relation to the previous term to Chairman Riccardo Maria Monti and the position of vice chairman of the Board of Directors to Giangiacomo Corno.
The following committees were established within the Board:
- Appointments and Compensation Committee, consisting of directors Ramona Corti, Vincenzo Polidoro, and Carolina Corno;
- Control and Risk and Related Party Transactions Committee, consisting of directors Ramona Corti, Vincenzo Polidoro, and Francesco Tombolini.
Director Vincenzo Polidoro was appointed Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, while director Ramona Corti was confirmed Chairman of the Control and Risk and Related Party Transactions Committee. The Board of Directors also resolved to initiate the program for the purchase of treasury shares (the "Program"), in one or morè tranches, for a maximum number of 574,804 ordinary shares, equal to 2% of the capital, to which a maximum countervalue of 750,000 euros will be allocated, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 2357, paragraph 1, of the Civil Code.
In particular, the Purchase Program in question is intended to enable the Company to retain for subsequent use, empowering the Board of Directors in order to deliberate on the disposal of the same treasury shares, by way of example but not limited to, in line with the strategic lines that the Company intends to pursue, in the context of extraordinary transactions, including exchange transactions, exchange, contribution or in the service of capital transactions (including allocation to the service of bonds convertible into shares of the Company or bonds with warrants) as well as in the context of exchange transactions or the sale of share packages or for the conclusion of commercial or strategic alliances and, in general, for uses deemed to be of financial or managerial interest for the Company.