Notice of filing of the Annual Financial Report 2022 and meeting documents
Triboo S.p.A. ("Triboo" or the "Company"), a group active in the digital sector and listed on Euronext Milan, announces that the Annual Financial Report for the year 2022, including the draft financial statements for the year and the consolidated financial statements, the Management Report, the attestation referred to in Article 154-bis, paragraph 5, of Legislative Decree. 58/1998 ("TUF"), the Reports of the Independent Auditors, the Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors, the Report on Corporate Governance, and the Report on Remuneration, are filed at the Company's registered office and available at the authorized storage mechanism eMarket STORAGE, as well as published on the Company's website Investor Relations - Financial Documents section. The financial statements and summary statements of subsidiaries and affiliates pursuant to Article 2429(3) and (4) of the Civil Code will be made available to the public in the manner and within the timeframe prescribed by current regulations.
Notice of the making available of the documents is also published in the nationally circulated newspaper MilanoFinanza.