Pink Blood, the second season of the female-driven true crime podcast arrives
Production company T-Podcast, part of the Triboo Group, is pleased to announce the release of the second season of Pink Blood, the podcast that tells the story of women who have committed a crime.
In the last three years, the Group has published more than 15 podcast series such as "TVBlog Pills", "Spaghetti Thriller", "Wall Street Italia's News of the Day", "Punto PMI" and "Italian Startup" for a total of around 500 episodes for online publications. The first season of Pink Blood, made in 2020, was an addition to the successful original Spaghetti Thriller series and was part of the true crime strand, which to date remains one of the most popular genres in Italy and abroad. The series tackled some of the most memorable Italian crime stories, turning into media cases such as the Cogne murder and the story of Annamaria Franzoni or the affair of Elisabetta Ballarin, the woman of Satan's beasts.
This year Pink Blood focuses on stories from the past such as that of Ilse Koch, the witch of Buchenwald, or that of Rosa Bazzi who, with her husband Olindo Romano, was convicted of the Erba massacre. Then there are Ghislaine Maxwell, accomplice of the billionaire suicide child lure, Jeffrey Epstein; Martina Levato, the girl who - together with Alexander Boettcher - terrorised Milan with acid attacks; or Sabrina Misseri and Cosima Serrano, protagonists of the Avetrana case, cousin and aunt of Sarah Scazzi. Pink Blood also tells the story of Patrizia Reggiani, ex-wife and instigator of the murder of Maurizio Gucci, a case that 30 years later is still gripping and is recounted on TV and in the cinema. Not forgetting also some 'minor' crimes, overlooked by the national news, such as those of Sonya Caleffi and Laura Taroni, both nurses, both attracted by death in the ward. Or that of Martina Patti, the story of a young mother blinded by jealousy. Ten episodes so gripping and frightening that they give you goose bumps.
All T-Podcast productions are available on Spreaker, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music and Google Podcasts. Pink Blood, season two: