Triboo S.p.A. approves the Half Year Financial Report as at 30 June 2022
Triboo S.p.A. approves the
Half Year Financial Report as at 30 June 2022
All economic and financial indicators grew compared to first half of 2021
Principle consolidated results as of 30 June (vs 30 June 2021)
- Consolidated turnover of 48,3 milion euros (+5,1%)
- EBITDA adjusted[1] of 6,6 milion euros (+4,6%)
- Pre tax profit adjusted of 1,8 million euros (+42,4%)
- Group net financial position as of June 30, 2022 was negative 9.1 million euros, an improvement over net debt of 10.7 million euros as of June 30, 2021; net debt as of June 30, 2022 essentially refers to financial debt for rentals and leases, accounted for in accordance with IFRS 16, amounting to 8.1 million euros (9.1 million euros as of June 30, 2021)
The Board of Directors of Triboo S.p.A. (“Triboo” or the “Company”), group active in the digital sector listed on Euronext Milan, met on 16 September 2022 under the chairmanship of Riccardo Maria Monti and reviewed te Group Half Year financial consolidated report as at 30 June 2022.
“Thanks to the great effort and work of our employees and the significan investments in our development, Triboo confirms itself as a leader in the digital sector, always putting the customer and the well-being of its employees at the center of his work” - says Riccardo Maria Monti, Chiarman of Triboo S.p.A. – “In an exceptionally difficult macroeconomic context, the numbers demonstrate our resilence and the Group’s ability to continue to operate and grou in a sustainable and profitable way”.
In particular:
During the First Half of 2022, Triboo continued its growth path, both in terms of revenues and margins, confirming the uniqueness of the offer through which the Group is able to present itself on the market.
Consolidated revenues as at June 2022 amounted to 48.3 million euros, up 5.1% compared to 45.9 million euros in the First Half of last year, thanks also to the decisive recovery of the Media and Advertising secotr, most impacted by the effects deriving from the Covid-19 health emergency. Also in terms of margins, the Group closes the first half of 2022 with an increase compared to 2021 first half. Overall Ebitda stood at 6.4 million euros ( compared 6.3 million euros in the first half of 2021), while adjusted EBITDA grew by 4.6% ( 6.6 million euros as at 30 June 2022 vs 6.3 million euro sas at 30 June 2021).
By looking at the level of individual divisions, the Digital field of the Group recorded revenues of 36.9 million euros with and EBITDA of 4.7 million euros, while the Media field of the Group closed the first six months of 2022 with revenues of 11.6 million euros with a margin of 1.8 million euros.
Relevant facts of the First Half of 2022
- On the 10th of February 2022, the buy-back program started on 12 October 2020 ended, based on the authorization of the shareholder’s meeting held on 10 September 2020; on Aprile 29th, 2022, the Ordinary Sharholders’ Meeting approved the authorization for the purchase and disposal of treasury shares, for the purposes described in the Board of Directors Explanatory Report; subsequently, on March the 13th, Triboo S.p.A. has conferred to Banca Generali S.p.A. the purchase of treasury shares, thus starting the new purchase program.
- On the 29th of April 2022, the subsidiary Triboo Digitale S.r.l. acquired the additional 30.5% of Digiglow S.r.l., already controlled at 69.5%. The total value of the stransaction is equal to 200 whousand euros fully paid.
Relevant facts after the First Half of 2022
On the 29th of July 2022, the company Innovas S.r.l. sold to the company MDM S.r.l. ( formerly Aliboox S.r.l.), 100% controlled by Triboo S.p.A., the business unit consisting in social commerce and private sales located in the heart of Milan and named “Moscova District Market”. At the same time, Triboo Digitale S.r.l., owner of 50.01% of Innovas S.r.l., sold its shareholding equally to the founding members.
Business outlook
Based on all the information provided in this document regarding the First Half financial results as at 30 June 2022, and in light of the results forecasts for the next few months, despite the global context inevitably conditioned by the presistence of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russian – Ukrainian crisis, the Group believes to confirm the guidance of the 2020-2022 Business Plan.
The manager responsible for preparing the company’s financial reports, Dr Matteo Cornelli, states in accordace with Paragraph 2 of Article 154-bis of the Consolidated Finance Act, that the accounting information contained in this press release must be verified by the auditing company in charge of those activites.
Financial Half Year as at 30 June 2022 of the Group approved by the Board of Directors of Triboo SpA will be available thought Borsa Italiana, the headquarters of Triboo SpA and the official website of the company ( Investor Relations page).
This press release is a translation, the Italia version will prevail.
[1] EBITDA Adjusted: corrisponde alla voce di bilancio “Risultato Operativo” incrementato delle voci di bilancio “Ammortamenti” e “Svalutazioni ed Accantonamenti” (non comprensivi di costi e ricavi non ricorrenti)